Lunch Aboard the Raincoast Maiden

It’s not too late to join us for a delicious gourmet lunch (prepared by Heartwood Kitchen in Ucluelet) aboard the Raincoast Maiden while anchored in an idyllic location.

We’re open until October 3rd, so join us on our Broken Group Islands Wildlife Cruise to see wildlife, spectacular scenery and enjoy a fabulous meal. It is an experience unlike any other!

Ready for Lunch in Paradise?

Lunch time is by far the busiest time of day for us as we set up tables and chairs all over the boat, get the lunch baskets and drinks ready, serve the meals, check on our guests, clear away, then take everything down and continue on our journey through the islands.  And all this in the space of one hour!  For most of our guests this is a very unique experience – a moment of magic.

The Most Scenic Restaurant in the World!

Two of our guests, Sophie & Christoph, enjoying the delicious gourmet meal (prepared by Norwoods Restaurant) while anchored in a sheltered cove in the Broken Islands. What more could a person want?